Late Blight Prevention Costs

Late blight prevention can cost a lot and the profit margins on a potato crop can be small, so cost containment can be important. Below is s summary of two fungicide program options - Intense with frequent expensive fungicides and Moderate on and early variety, Norkotah, and a late variety, Nugget. This is only an example and actual field conditions need to be adjusted for in any program. There is a large difference in cost between the moderate and intense programs costs, but only a $15 to $43 difference between Norkotah and Nugget costs. When one looks at the whole Norkotah and Nugget budget, they are virtually the same since Norkotahs usually have additional Ridomil (for leak control) and fertilizer costs. When one factors in the different marketing periods of Norkotahs and Nuggets, there still are strong reasons to continue growing Nuggets.

For the detailed schedule and budget for each fungicide program option click on the title of each section.

To go to a total potato production budget reflecting the moderate program click here.

To go to a total potato production budget reflection the intense program click here.

Norkotah - Moderate Program
Total Fungicide Costs: $103.10 Per Acre
Total Applications: 11
Possible Total Custom Application Costs: $55.00
Potential Total Costs: $158.10
Nugget - Moderate Program
Total Fungicide Costs: $118.53 Per Acre
Total Applications: 12
Possible Total Custom Application Costs: $60.00
Potential Total Costs: $178.53
Norkotah - Intense Program
Total Fungicide Costs: $171.48 Per Acre
Total Applications: 13
Possible Total Custom Application Costs: $65.00
Potential Total Costs: $236.48
Nugget - Intense Program
Total Fungicide Costs: $215.01 Per Acre
Total Applications: 18
Possible Total Custom Application Costs: $90.00
Potential Total Costs: $305.01

Note: This information should only be used as a guide. Adjustments for local conditions must always be made.

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